Monday, July 27, 2015

LeSS SAFe is more - events coming up right now

Another installment looking at different ways to adapt Agile to enterprise scale.  Inflating it, as it were ...


Photo credit: Gerald Pereira and License

  • First, some comments on LeSS given that you have the opportunity to go see for yourself (if you can afford it).
  • Then opportunities to learn about SAFe.

What is with these mixed-case acronyms?  I guess there are some people pedantic enough to complain that you cannot use a capital E in SAFE because the words has a lower-case "e".  It would be if we YELLED IT LOUD ENOUGH :-)
Worrying about that sort of thing is very un-Agile.

LeSS Materials and events

H/T to Brian Sjoberg at Excella Consulting (a company that has impressed me over the past 2 years), although in this case Brian is representing the DC Scrum Users Group (DCSUG)for this heads-up.  If you have interest in Agile I can thoroughly recommend DSUG's meetups.

LeSS Seems to be Just Less

As noted in an earlier post, I have not quite got the drift of LeSS.

The folks who are leading proponents of it in the US describe the integrative processes as "whatever the self-defining teams define it to be".  One could make a case that a pyramiding schema of scrum-of-scrums and product owners would be able to establish integration in terms of cross-component integration.   I don't see that as alleviating the organization's concerns over scalability and security.

I do note that in the most recent framework picture (at the LeSS link above), architecture and security now have a specific place.

A Turn for SAFe

H/T here to Net Objectives for the following information:

  • Conference: Agile2015, in Washington DC - next week (August 3-7).  $2400.

  • SAFe in an Hour. A quick introduction to SAFe.
  • Driving from Business Value in SAFe. Introducing minimum business increments and why they improve SAFe's portfolio management.
  • Rapid Implementation of SAFe. Rapid is the new method we'll be discussing in the open space.  This was a pre-look at it. 

  • Introducing Leanban. A first look at our new team-level Agile process that is more than an integration of Scrum and Kanban. [This link here is further updated since the presentation date].

  • Using SAFe in Small & Mid-Scale Organizations. SAFe is intended for development groups of more than 50 people.  This webinar presents methods of coordinating multiple teams which total fewer than the 50 required for SAFe.